Transplant Links Online Renal Transplant Symposia Series


Join us for a series of live online lectures, workshops and discussions with leading clinicians within the global Transplant Links community addressing challenges and developments in emerging renal transplant services around the world.

Sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming symposia, lectures and workshops.

If you are unable to attend the live symposia, you can watch them on the TLC Symposia On Demand page. The content is for healthcare professionals only; if you would like to access the page then please email to request the password.

Past symposia topics include:

  • Transplantation in Children: Case Studies

  • Post-Transplant Diabetes

  • International Mentoring for Renal Transplant Unit Development, Parts 1 and 2’

  • Developing a Histocompatibility Service: HLA testing

  • COVID and the Kidney

  • Preparing a Recipient for Living Donor Renal Transplant

  • Immediate Post-Operative Care of the Renal Transplant Recipient

  • Preparing the Living Donor for Renal Transplantation

  • Optimising the Renal Patient Pathway

  • Preparing a Paediatric Patient for Transplant: Psychological Considerations

  • Post Transplant Infections

  • Post-Operative Nursing of the Renal Transplant Recipient

  • Immunosuppression in Renal Transplantation

  • Challenges in Managing the Post Transplant Paediatric Recipient

We are delighted to have enjoyed the support and partnerships of the following organisations*:


*Companies or organisations who provide educational grants or support of any online symposia, workshop or lecture have no input into the scientific content.